There are so many fun stories about my dad. I had a wonderful time growing up because of the fun, outdoorsy, energetic spirit he had. One funny memory is when my sister, Shelly, and I we’re around 10 and 8 (total guess) and it was bedtime. We were playing, giggling and not sleeping. We got a 10-minute warning to go to bed. At the eleventh minute, here comes my dad down the hall. He said “OK, I’m going to go get my belt” - he left and we went to the bathroom, stuffed our panties with an entire roll of toilet paper and added another 10 pairs of panties on. Surely, with all that, it wasn’t going to hurt, right? So dad, came down the hall again, this time with his belt, snapping it, and told us to bend over. When he saw what we did, all the toilet paper, and layers of panties, he busted out laughing so hard he couldn’t even spank us. I’ll never forget that moment. We still laugh at that today.

By the way, he never gave us a spanking that was very hard. I know this because I got a spanking from Shady Brook elementary school and it was super hard, 30 times worse than my dad sever gave us.