I haven’t really been able to find the words to describe this week until I saw this. This very lesson I learned when I, as they say, hit ‘rock bottom’ and had to move In with my stepdad cuz I really had nowhere else to go. There are many lessons in my life I learned through him but, without a doubt, I would not be where I am in life right now if it weren’t for this man. This lesson, so simple but yet so hard to grasp, my stepdad was the one that made me realize this. During that time I stayed with him I gave him all the excuses of why I was where I was at in life and yet he had the patience and wisdom and love to listen…truly listen until it was time to teach me. He made me realize who I was and most importantly who I could be. To say I love him and will miss him is an understatement. Thank you for the lessons and being a huge part in making me who I am today. Love you Dad!

Love this so much!